
i love pubs + wine + exposed brick walls
a twenty-something young woman who is trying to make herself happy again as a single lady ...
i`m not looking for a new boyfriend; i`m searching for the simple pleasures in life that will bring joy to me on a daily basis ...

... this is the blog of a young woman who still believes in magic.

i love the rain
i love reading - especially romantic stories. all of these books are funny + light-hearted + leave you feeling happy at the end ... which is appreciated at times like these!!!

i am always watching a DVD of some kind! the list isn`t just what i watch - but they are the most romantic, lovely films i`ve ever watched; really lovely to watch when i need a cry! i could make a list of some of the films that i enjoy without crying ... but then i`d be getting into a totally different kind of emotion!

not only are these songs just beautiful and all favourites of mine, they`re also therapeutic at times when i`m feeling low - or need a good cry!

i love cooking ... but i`m not a very good cook, i have to admit! however, on the rare occasion that i get it right - however simple the dish - i`ll post pics + share the recipe :)

when i find something interesting (to me, mainly!) to write about that doesn`t involve me trying to find happiness and getting over my break-up, i`ll post it underneath this heading ... i have a lot to say about a lot of things - but sometimes it`s hard to put something down on paper! i might post really old opinion pieces if i start to really struggle, haha!

this is a collection of blogs + websites that i love! i will always check the updates on these - and i think they`re worth a look!

i love sitting in the park on a warm day reading a book

about the blog ...
i wanted it to look pretty - which i think it does! - even though i know it is very basic compared to some of the blogs i have snooped at ... but i don`t have the time to learn HTML + faff about with technologies! so this will have to do :) no doubt i`ll change something about it ... it`s all simple + self-explanatory!

i love going to an English beach in the cold + wrapping up warm